But here's the deal. A few years ago (quite a few), I had the chance to be an extra for Friday Night Lights (the movie). And they wanted me on set for a week. But I was to start a new job that week, a non-acting job, so I told them I couldn't do it. And I was disappointed.
So when I heard that extras were being cast here for two brother filmmakers that I love, on a period piece--a Western!--that would entail period-accurate costuming, hair and make-up, I thought--man, I'm doing it.
And I went to the casting call wearing only the bare minimum make-up, and they told me it was too much. So I went to the bathroom, washed my face with the wall-mounted hand soap and the brown paper towels, and came back, all red-faced and blotchy, and they said--better. We don't want pretty. ;)
So I stood against the wall and had my picture taken and tried to look as pathetic as possible. And still I thought--there's no way. Because the woman kept saying my eyes were bright, and that wasn't a good thing.
So when they called, I was shocked. And I thought, I'm totally doing this.
And because I'm not all informed about period-specific clothing, I knew nothing about:
-the black, heavy, burlap-textured tights you fold around a band around your lower thigh
-the lace-up pointy boots
-the crinoline
-the breath-impairing corset
-the UGLY green calico farmer dress
-the brown leather gloves--gloves! In Texas! In May!
-the plaid woolen shawl
-the total lack of make-up
And ta-da--a costume so magic it makes you automatically as miserable as if you actually did live in the wild west in real life--ie a woman surrounded by rough men, expected to cook and clean and care for animals and care for everyone else and never rest.
Totally, totally cool. So my sig other and I were at the LBJ ranch today, and on the ranch is an 1870's farmhouse which was PERFECT for imagining where I might live. And right up the road there was a kitchen that, while set up to be 45 years later, still gave some insight into how hard it was to cook back then--well, compared to now--and this is going to be SO fun. I can't wait.
Although leave it to the brother to point out the too obvious. In regards to my being chosen for this film: "Hmmmm. I'm not really sure that's a compliment. Don't they always cast people who are slightly odd looking?"
Yes. Guilty as charged.
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